A comprehensive or detailed physical examination; includes variety of test depending on the age, sex and health of the person.
Living in present work environment and life style with fast pace of life, travel, irregular eating habits, toxity of pollution in air and water has increase the early wear and tear of the body.
Health checkup helps to detect any disease or ailment at its early stage with a view to initiate proper treatment / health restoring measures therefore early detection of disease save life, money and peace.
All age groups and all the sexes should go for health check up to screen themselves from alarming symptom.
This is the comprehensive health check-up program. This is designed to provide a general screening of your health status to cover overall body check-up
A basic health check-up to help you assess your health.
On the move, always under pressure, forced into an irregular lifestyle, executives oftenneglect their health and ignore the early warning signals. This program checks all thevital functions of the body
This program is specially designed for the senior Citizens. It includes the evaluations ofthe current status of the health as well as detects the common problems of this agegroup.
The Pre-employment Medical Check-up is suitable for adults of either sex. It includesthe basic investigations required to determine the candidate's medical fitness foremployment.
The distinction between Health and Fitness is important to everyone, but especially tothe diabetic. The diabetic and/or pre-diabetic (potentially every one of us) needs to beaware of these distinctions and take an active role in becoming both Healthy and Fit. Periodic testing will help you detect any early signs of complications so you can preventor delay the progress of problems such as the development of kidney disease, eyedisease, cardiovascular disease or wounds in your feet.
This is the most comprehensive health checkup program of GMCH. All major aspectsof an overall heart check-up are included in this program
This program is designed towards detection of medical problems in women above theage of 35 years. It is suitable for both Professional and the busy housewife.
This program designed for children, includes necessary investigations andconsultations.
GHMC offers a wide range of health check up to cover all age groups and all the sexes.These packages have been very thoughtfully designed to target a specific section of the community. These Check-ups are executed by a team of highly qualified Doctors andexperienced medical professionals. Investigations have been carried out on state-oft-art computerized equipment’s. All services provide under the same roof.