Radiology & Imaging

Radiology & Imaging

About Department

The department of radiology and imaging in Geetanjali hospital offers a wide range of imaging services and advanced procedures to diagnose a variety of conditions. Our radiology specialists have expertise in virtually every imaging area, including abdominal imaging, cardiothoracic imaging, neuroradiology, head and neck imaging, musculoskeletal radiology, breast imaging and ultrasonography.

Patients are referred for these procedures by our hospitals doctors as well as outside doctors.

The department of radiology and imaging is equipped with state-of -art facilities including:

  • Digital radiography (x-ray unit)
    Routine x-rays of the body are performed for outpatients as well as in-patients with our digital radiography units.
  • Advanced technology ultrasound units with color Doppler facilities
    Ultrasound is a form of diagnostic imaging that does not use ionizing radiation. Instead sound waves are used, which reflect from the body tissues giving an image on the screen. There are three main areas where ultrasound is performed:
    • General ultrasound: for abdomen, pelvis and soft tissues of the body.
    • Obstetric ultrasound: performed to look out age of the fetus and to ensure healthy development of fetus. 3d and 4d sonography of fetus has broadened the horizon in obstetrical imaging.
    • ColorDoppler ultrasound: for abnormalities of arteries and veins of the body. Biopsy of masses and drainage of abscess or fluid can be performed under ultrasonography guidance.
  • Multislice computed tomography (CT)
    CT scanner used for examination of any part of the body. The CT is a specialized type of diagnostic imaging using x-rays, which is able to create cross-sectional imaging simulating ‘slices’ through the body. Whole body CT studies can be performed including CT angiography. Three dimensional imaging is also possible, for example, in orthopedic and facial reconstruction as well as in angiography. Biopsies can be performed under CT guidance to avoid the need for the patient to have an ‘open’ biopsy in an operating theatre.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - 1.5 tesla
    MRI uses magnets and radio waves to create image of the body. It is extensively used for neurological and musculoskeletal imaging. MRI studies of brain, neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis also performed. There are facilities for advanced studies like diffusion weighted imaging, MR angiography, MR venography, MR cholangiopancreatography, MR urography and MR spectroscopy. Because of magnetic field generated, it is not suitable imaging technique for patients who have pacemaker, metallic coils or other piece of ‘metal’ in their bodies. As MRI does not use ionizing radiation and can create detailed images of soft tissue, it can be used for the detection of many diseases.
  • Mammography unit
    Mammography is a specific type of imaging that uses a low dose x-ray system to examine breasts. Mammography is used to aid in the early detection and diagnosis of breast diseases.

Useful info and health tips

  • If you are over 40, get a mammogram. Early detection of breast cancer offers the best chance for a cure. The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance supports the American Cancer Society’s recommendation that women begin annual mammography screening at age 40.
  • A bone density scan is low-dose x-ray which checks an area of the body such as the hip, hand or foot for signs of mineral loss and bone thinning.